A Sultry Love Affair


That’s me (dressed like the 80-year-old) enjoying some delightful cinnamon buns. You can just call me, Meg-jamin Button.

If we were speaking in Facebook terms, I would probably label my relationship with eating healthy food as “It’s Complicated.”

I’ve loved food all my life– eating it, cooking it, smelling it, tasting it, thinking about it, talking about it, blogging about it, etc. And when you pair it with the perfect alcoholic beverage in your favorite dimly-lit restaurant. Ah. It is heaven.

But for the next 26 days, we are ditching the sugar, the alcohol, the grains, the dairy, and the beans/legumes to jumpstart our Paleo(ish) lifestyle. It’s usually pretty easy, but today (Day 4)… I had bad thoughts.

I wanted cheesecake. I wanted Honey Jack Daniels on the rocks. I wanted garlic breadsticks smothered in butter. I replayed every slow-motion, junk food commercial OVER and OVER in my head.


snickersYou know the commercials with the melty-stringy cheese slowly stretching between two pizza slices or the slow waterfall of chocolate that gently falls atop a delicious bed of peanuts and ooey-gooey nougat. I was a GROUCH-A-SAURUS REX because I couldn’t have any. I. WAS. HANGRY!! Ya know, if Hungry + Angry had a child.


Gordie suffers from “treat withdrawal” on occasion

I kept thinking of ways I could get out of it. I’d imagine myself having a delicious one-night-stand with pizza (just one slice… or five), and in the morning, I would look at the disappointed reflection staring back at me and vehemently yell, “WE WERE ON A BREAK!” (the infamous line that Ross Gellar screams at Rachel).

But then, Julia Child’s voice would boldly interrupt my imaginary love affairs, booming: “You have to have courage in your convictions.”

What can I say? That old broad’s right. I probably should chill on the hardcore food fantasies. 🙂

So tonight, I will have a delicious slice of courage for dinner (and really, it isn’t that bad), alongside some Paleo-ish (yes, ISH since I doubt cavemen had Frank’s Red Hot) shredded buffalo chicken lettuce wraps and sweet potato fries.

“The Rex” has quieted for now!

XO, Megan

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